

李佑群 (Yougun Lee)





引進創刊雜誌包括《Cawaii!》、《mina》台灣版、中國大陸版、馬來西亞版、《with》、《ViVi》台灣版、香港版等,曾任城邦集團《Man's Style》社長、總監暨總編輯,創刊《BiKei!》暢銷男性保養雜誌、協助引進《VOCE》美妝雜誌。

獨立後創立《幸喜國際》,並擔任社長暨時尚總監,把工作觸角伸向時尚領域的其他媒介,如網路、數位媒體等,開始了各方面的時尚工作。包括以總監的身分統籌指揮現場的視覺創意、攝影、整體造型、服裝造型、彩妝髮型;或擔任各大品牌廣告、視覺、創意的行銷、企劃、顧問,以及活動講師、員工教育訓練講師等工作。同時也兼任各大時尚媒體的總編輯、總監及顧問,包括:《Yahoo!時尚美妝》總編輯顧問、《In Design因為設計》品牌顧問、《Men’s JOKER》中國大陸版創意總監、《女人我最大》雜誌時尚顧問、《mina》及《女人我最大》馬來西亞版總顧問、《Fashion Guide Style Wall》榮譽總編輯等。




名人合作:昆凌、張鈞甯、、藍心湄、蔡依林、林心如、小S、徐若瑄、楊丞琳、白歆惠、隋棠、林嘉綺、周杰倫、賀軍翔、張震、汪東城、炎亞綸、吳尊、鄭元暢、余文樂、王力宏、陳柏霖、羅志祥、宥勝、張孝全、楊祐寧、阮經天、吳建豪、陳冠希、李毓芬、愛紗、郭雪芙、安心亞、大元、王心凌、郭采潔、林依晨、楊謹華、鬼鬼、郭品超、彭于晏、劉香慈、郭品超、連靜雯、佐佐木希、藤井LENA、莉亞、愷樂(蝴蝶姊姊)、莎莎、飛輪海、DREAM GIRLS、Popu Lady、By2、中田英壽、松田龍平、藤木直人、渡邊知夏子、宋紀妍、陳怡蓉、李聖傑、鳳小岳、Liz、陳喬恩、倪安東、林宥嘉、鄭家星、OLIVIA、宋新妮、方志友、魔術師YIF、動力火車等、卓文萱、雷艾美。

時尚名品:Louis Vuitton、FENDI、Cartier、Dior、LOEWE、BOSS、Leonard、HOGAN、CHLOE、Roger Vivier、Piaget、夏姿、蕭邦、RENE CAOVILLA、Emporio Armani、Vintage Shades、Pomellato、Karl Lagerfeld同名時尚香水、Kate Spade、CK Watch、Kenzo、AllSaints、SWAROVSKI、Hiroko Koshino、DKNY、Folli Follie、TVR、St.John、United Arrows、A|X、Shoe Plus、WINS、Anne Fontaine、Barbour、Fossil、Glimmer  Boutique、Jophiel、7 For All Mankind、iBlues、Shoe Plus、CK Watch、Calvin Klein、Joseph、MBT、周大福、MIKIMOTO、UNIQLO、GU、LG、SPAO、MIXXO、Massimo Dutti、SEIKO、星辰錶、Miss Sofi、PUMA、OB、Sperry Top-Sider、DYC、BOBSON、GIORDANO、MOMA、BLUE SALT、Robinlo Studio、DN、JINS、Rouge Diamant、瑪登瑪朵、摩奇塑身衣、莎薇。

彩妝保養品牌:嬌蘭、資生堂、飛利浦Philips Beauty、飛利浦Sonicare、SK-II、KATE、KOSE、Elastine(LG集團)、 celluv(LG集團)、On the body(LG集團)、花王、Panasonic Beauty家電、Sofina、莉婕、逸萱秀、小林製藥、多芬、果蕾GLY、ooxx瓦里列、Latisse雅睫思、VIROCHE、Dr. Douxi等。

其他重要品牌包括Samsung、LG、Lenovo、7-11、Hello Kitty、哈雷機車、可口可樂、爽健美茶、迪士尼、新光三越、SOGO、遠雄集團等,並與好友《ViVi》名模渡邊知夏子合作女裝品牌MyGazine girl,首創品牌成立即與海外藝人合作之案例。

除了曾為LV、Dior、Catier等各大精品、adidas originals等品牌遠赴海外擔任視覺創意與造型拍攝工作外,亦曾經擔任藝術大師村上隆特刊指定總編輯、邀請Comme de Garcons大師川久保玲首次跨刀合作設計時尚雜誌平面稿、受精品之邀遠赴海外拜訪超模凱特摩絲(Kate Moss)、設計大師佐藤可士和、Paul & Joe設計師Sophie等人。固定擔任金馬獎等星光大道紅毯造型評審,與日本時尚圈友好,和時裝大師三原康裕、N.Hoolywood尾花大輔、JLS柳川荒士、soe伊藤壯一郎、BEAMS土井地博、川島幸美、FPM田中知之、FACTOTUM有働幸司、木村拓哉等天王御用造型師祐真朋樹、野口強私交甚篤。

近期重要作品包括與紐約、倫敦團隊合作UNIQLO日本指定 2011年秋冬廣告形象及台北旗艦店《People Campaign~Voice》總顧問、UNIQLO指定每季全球案《UNIQLOOKS》造型企劃總監、《GU》首次海外設計師聯名T恤總監、總顧問&企劃執行、2016年第二次受日本時裝品牌《GU》之邀,合作《GU x 李佑群老師x台灣設計師》聯名首次海外設計師聯名T恤發表,擔任企劃總監、統籌台灣十二位優秀設計師共同創作。連續兩年擔綱《Super Girls Festa~亞洲美少女盛典》、上海《Tokyo Girls Collection》國際大秀唯一台灣造型師代表及顧問,並負責打造陳柏霖、安心亞、昆凌等巨星造型及統籌時裝秀、《JINS X 安心亞》合作顧問、GIORDANO、Samsung、PUMA等品牌發表大秀總監、《南法寄出》賀軍翔首本寫真書造型師、以幸喜國際發行人之姿出版《Girl Friend~元氣女友》大元首本寫真書,擔任內容所有統籌、時尚總監&APP企劃(並獲得當年寫真書年度銷售第一名佳績)、《卸下》劉香慈首本寫真集造型總監、2013年Popu Lady唱片專輯《小未來》造型統籌、Lisa LaLisa《名人設計公益包包101記者會》活動主持與顧問;與好友攝影大師蘇益良合作《時尚的軌跡》名人攝影、《Fashion Week電子動態影像時尚誌》等。



2014年十一月,受邀擔任日本主辦《SUPER GIRLS EXPO 最強美少女博覽會》顧問及唯一連續三年登台演出之台灣時尚界代表,除與日方合作Tokyo Styling Collection,日本時尚攝影大師蜷川實花首次個人品牌發表秀中,與蜷川實花攜手登台。

2016年由亞洲最大時尚購物平台ZAROLA選為“年度最佳造型師”。佑群老師榮獲《年度最佳造型師》(The style award 2016)大獎

固定時尚美妝電視節目演出包括《女人我最大》、《Taipei in Design台北映時尚》(台灣)、《我是大美人》(中國大陸湖南衛視)、《愛妳愛美麗》(中國大陸星尚頻道)等御用老師。網路節目包括在《痞克邦》、《ELLE》的MISS ELLE、《Fashion Guide》的FG TV等擔任御用老師或兼任主持人。


同時在海內外多本時尚雜誌、網站包括《Men's UNO》、《Men's JOKER》、《愛女生》、《Yahoo!時尚名家專欄》連載專欄及固定發表時尚評論外,也在《Marie Claire》、《La Vie》等雜誌不定期發表文章。





李佑群 (ユウグン リ)、台湾の著名なスタイリスト。1976年3月18日台北生まれ。東呉大学日本語学科卒。大学三年時に、日本語学科代表として日本明海大学へ留学。その後、東京上智大学大学院文学研究科で新聞学(女性雑誌)専攻。













また、李は城邦文化集団Man’s Styleの社長、クリエイティブ‧ディレクター、編集長を担当していた。





「In Design」ブランド顧問

『Men’s JOKER』中国版クリエイティブ・ディレクター

『Queen/Lady First』台湾版及びマレーシア版の雑誌顧問


『Fashion Guide Style Wall』名誉編集長






コーディネートしたことのあるタレント:佐々木 希、藤井 リナ、中田 英寿、松田 龍平、渡辺 知夏子、リア・ドナ・ディゾン、ルビー・リン、マイク・ハー、チェン・ポーリン、ショウ、宥勝、飛輪海、汪東城、炎亞綸、ビアンカ・バイ、ジョセフ・チャン、楊祐寧、呉 建豪、安心亞、大元、李毓芬、郭雪芙、DREAM GIRLS、 Popu Lady、劉香慈、郭品超、莎莎、昆凌、By2、宋紀妍、タミー・チェン、李聖傑、鳳小岳、倪安東、林宥嘉、鄭家星、OLIVIA、宋新妮、方志友、YIF、動力火車 他多数。


長期提携しているブランド:Louis Vuitton、FENDI、Cartier、Dior、LOEWE、BOSS、Longchamp、HOGAN、UNIQLO、CHLOE、SWAROVSKI、DKNY、Folli Follie、Vintage Shades 、Massimo Dutti、Roger Vivier、GIORDANO、Miss Sofi、MOMA、BLUE SALT、DN、Robinlo Studio、TVR、JINS、SEIKO、CITIZEN、Guerlain、KAO、 Sofina、 Liese、 Essential、 SHISEIDO、SK-II、 KATE、 KOSE、 DOVE、 GLY、 Latisse、VIROCHE、Dr.Douxi、Samsung、LG、Lenovo、 7-11、Hello Kitty、 Harley-Davidson、 Coca Cola、爽健美茶、Disney、SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI、SOGO、Farglory Group 他多数。

また、李は友人であるモデルの渡辺知夏子と一緒に「MyGazine girl」というブランドを創立し、海外タレントと連携ブランドを立ち上げるという先例を作った。


LV、Dior、Catier、adidas originalsといったブランドの撮影のため、海外でビジュアルディレクションとスタイリングを手がけたほか、李は指名され編集長となり、芸術家村上隆を特集する雑誌をつくりあげた。Comme de Garconsの創始者川久保玲に請い、ファッション雑誌のグラフィック・デザインを依頼した。デザイナーの要請を受け、スーパーモデルのケイト・モス、グラフィック・デザイナー佐藤可士和、Paul& Joeのデザイナーソフィー・メシャリーなどを尋ねるために海外に赴いたこともある。






ユニクロ台北旗艦店の「People Campaign~Voice」の総顧問



2年続けて「Super Girls Festa」、上海「Tokyo Girls Collection」で国際的なショーでは唯一の台湾のスタイリストの代表と顧問

「JINS X Amber An」の提携顧問


2013年Popu Ladyのアルバムのコーディネーター

イベント「Lisa LaLisa Love Makes a Wish in Taiwan」キャンペーンMCと顧問

また、親交の深い写真家の蘇益良(Liang Su)と組んでセレブを撮影した『ファッションの軌跡』や『ファッションウィークディジタル動態イメージファッション誌』を作っている。







2014年11月、吉本興業株式会社が主催する「SUPER GIRLS EXPO」に招かれ台湾ファッション業界唯一の代表と顧問として3年連続参加している。「Tokyo Styling Collection」で日本側と提携するほか、写真家蜷川実花初のブランド発表で彼女と手を携え、ステージに上がった。



「Queen/ Lady First」

「Taipei in Design」


「Love You, Love Beauty」




「Fashion Guide」。


著書『秘密の旅 ―東京』、『日本ファッション考学』、『東京の格好良い男』、『李佑群のファッションノート』


国内と海外のファッション雑誌やウェブサイトでコラムを連載している。『Men's UNO』、『Men’s JOKER』、『iGirls』、『Marie Claire』 、『La Vie』等の雑誌とウェブサイト「Yahoo!ファッション」で不定期にコラム、ファッション評論も発表している。


Yougun Lee (born March 18, 1976) is a renowned taiwanese fashion stylist, best known for his broadening influence in the fashion world and his celebrity clients. He studied  Japanese in Soochow University, and was the representative exchange student at Meikai University during the third year. After graduating, he went to Sophia University, located in Tokyo, and mastered in Journalism with a precise focus on women’s  magazines. 


Since his school life, Lee has started his career as an editor of fashion magazine. In the 90’s he published the very first japanese magazine in taiwanese edition, and later on launched more than ten magazines in Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, and Malaysia in Chinese version. He took the role of the editor-in-chief of these magazines, and has served simultaneously as the editor-in-chief of ChingWin group and Asia She Win Fashion Media Company, and the chairman, fashion director, and editor-in-chief in the branch of men’s fashion magazines of CITE publishing group for many years.


During the period of being the chairman, fashion director, and editor-in-chief, Lee not only did the editing work, but was also responsible for taking charge of international copyright affairs, marketing, account executive affairs, running of the company like a professional manager. At the peak time Lee had to manage hundreds of employees of publishers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. His monthly routine was publishing fashion magazines, taking parts in social media work, and cooperating with global designer brands by supporting them in editing, events setting, marketing affairs. 


Nearly all the publications that launched by Lee were the top-seller in the same field at that time, no matter in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore or Malaysia. Therefore, Lee is regarded as the records keeper when speaking of the amounts of launching fashion magazines in Greater China and the circulations of which. 


Here are what Lee has launched.

‘Cawaii!’ ‘mina’in taiwanese, chinese, and malaysian version,

‘with’and‘ViVi’in taiwanese and hong kong version

 ‘BiKei!’(especially focusing on men’s skin care)

 cosmetic magazine ‘VOCE’

In addition, Lee has served in CITE publishing group as the chairleader of magazine‘Man’s Style’.


Later he began his own career, founding Sincere International Co. and takes the role of chairman and fashion director. He then extended to other media in fashion world like internet and digital media. He also started styling business in all fields, including being as an director to handle all the visual creation, shooting, clothing, make-up, and hair styling, or being as a counselor, providing advices about marketing and marcom for designer’s brands in the advertisements, visual and creative area. Besides, he also works in partnership with them as a professional lecturer to give lessons to their employees or the public. 


In the meanwhile, Lee works as a editor-in-chief, a director and a counselor for the most influential mass media in the greater China’s fashion world, ‘Yahoo!fashionista’ as the editor-in-chief, ‘In Design’ as the brand counselor, ‘Men’s JOKER’ in chinese version as the creative director , ‘Queen/ Lady First’ in both taiwanese and Malaysian version as the editor-in-chief , ‘mina’ as the editor-in-chief, ‘Fashion Guid Style Wall’ as the honorary editor-in-chief  are included.


Dedicating around two decades to the fashion world, Lee has the closest relationship with the Japan fashion world among all the Greater China. He persistently keeps exchanging and communicating with the western fashion world as well. Precisely focusing on fashion, Lee has experiences of various kinds of roles: magazine editor-in-chief, brand director, visual planning as a whole, critic, writer, counselor and so on. Even more, he is the only one in Taiwan nominated by japanese super stars, global brands and recording industry as a stylist, fashion director and marketing counselor. 


He has countless celebrity clients. Here are some examples:

Nozomi Sasaki, Lena Fujii, Hidetoshi Nakata, Ryuhei Matsuda, Chikako Watanabe, Leah Dizon, Ruby Lin, Mike He, Bo-Lin Chen, Show Lo, Chris Wang, Fahrenheit, Jiro Wang, Aaron Yan, Bianca Bai, Joseph Chang, Yo Yang, Vanness Wu, Amber An, Ta Yuan, Tia Lee, Puff Kuo, DREAM GIRLS, Popu Lady, Chantel Liu, Dylan Kuo, Sasa, Hannah Quinlivan, By2, Cindy, Tammy Chen, Sam Lee, Rhydian Vaughan, Anthony Neely, Yoga Lin, Carlson Cheng, Olivia Ong, Jessica Song, Beatrice Fang, YIF, Power Station, and etc.


Famous brands that Lee has long term collaborative relationship with are listed below.

Louis Vuitton, FENDI, Cartier, Christian Dior, LOEWE, HUGO BOSS, Longchamp, HOGAN, UNIQLO, CHLOÉ, SWAROVSKI, DKNY, Folli Follie, Vintage Shades, Massino Dutti, Roger vivier, GIORDANO, Miss Sofi, MOMA, BLUE SALT, DN, Robino Studio, TVR, JINS, SEIKO, Citizen, A|X, Rouge Diamant, Shoe Plus, WACOAL, Modern Girl, PUMA and so on.In field of cosmetics, Lee works in close collaboration with Guerlain, KAO, Sofina, Liese, Essential, SHISEIDO, SK-II, KATE, KOSE, DOVE, GLY, Latisse, VIROCHE and Dr.Douxi.Other partners of Lee includes Samsung, LG, Lenovo, 7-11, Hello Kitty, Harley-Davidson, Coca Cola, Sokenbicha, Disney, SHIN KONG MITSUKOSHI, SOGO, Farglory Group, and etc.

Besides, Lee founded a fashion brand named ‘MyGazine girl’with his model friend, Chikako Watanabe, setting a precedent for founding brands with artists aboard.


In addition to going aboard to do the visual creation and in help with shooting for desinger brand such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Cartier and adidas originals, Lee was invited to visit super model Kate Moss, designer Satou Kashiwa, Sophie Mechaly of Paul& Joe. Moreover, he was appointed the magazine editor-in-chief for the special issue of world famous artist Takashi Murakami. On top of that, Lee invited master designer Rei Kawakubo of Comme de Garcons for crossover of the graphic designs in fashion magazine.


Lee is the red carpet critic for the Golden Horse Award and other great events. Being familiar with Japan fashion world, Lee has good friendship with designer Yasuhiro Mihara, Daisuke Obana of N. Hollywood , Arashi Yanagawa of JLS, Soichiro Ito of soe, Hiroshi Doiji of BEAMS, Yukimi Kawashima, Tomoyuki Tanaka of FPM, Koji Udo of FACTOTUM, super star Takuya Kimura’s stylist Tomoki Sukezane and Tsuyoshi Noguchi.


His recent works are as followed.

‧Counselor of UNIQLO Japan 2011 F/W Ads campaign with professional team from New York and London,

‧Counselor of UNIQLO store event ‘People Campaign~Voice’ in Taipei

‧Fashion director of UNIQLO seasonal global campaign ‘UNIQLOOKS’

‧Fashion director of GU first-time crossover with designers oversea for T-shirts

‧The only taiwanese stylist and counselor of the ‘Super Girls Festa’and ‘Tokyo Girls Collection’in Shanghai two years in a row

‧Fashion director of‘JINS X Amber An’

‧Show director of GIORDANO, Samsung and PUMA,

‧Stylist of Mike He’s , Ta Yuan’s and Chantel Liu’s first photo album.

 In particular, Lee was the publisher of Ta Yuan’s photo album ‘Girl Friend~’,  and was in charge of all the detail things, macom, fashion excecutive, and marketing through apps. With his efforts in all aspects, ‘Girl Freiend~’ became the best-selling photo album during that year. 

‧Stylist of Popu Lady in help with their new album

‧Host and the counselor of the event ‘Lisa LaLisa Love Makes a Wish in Taiwan’,

‧He partnered with his good photographer firend Liang Su for the celebrity shooting event ‘The Path of Fashion’and ‘Fashion Week’. 


In March 2013 Lee,  representative of Taiwan, along with other professionals from all over the world were invited by Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to attend Fashion Industry Meeting as a counselor.  Meanwhile, he was the director and counselor  for GU first-time crossover with designers oversea for T-shirts, and led taiwanese designers in cooperation with the representatives from Japan.


In October 2014, Lee was invited by the Taiwan Design Center to design his limited crossover bags in purpose of helping the taiwanese creative industry upgraded.


In November 2014, Lee was for the third time invited to serve as the counselor and the only taiwanese fashion representative for SUPER GIRLS EXPO held by Japan. Besides in collaboration with japanese professionals in Tokyo Styling Collection, Lee was partnered with japanese fashion photographer Ninagawa Mika when she first debuted her brand.


Lee steadily takes a part as a teacher or adjunct MC in both TV programs and online programs reporting the latest news about fashion and cosmetics that are listed beblow.

‘Queen/ Lady First’

‘Taipei in Design’


‘Love You, Love Beauty’



‘Fashion Guide’TV,

His works include ‘La Vie’, ‘Japan Fashion’, ‘La Vie Tokyo Sense Book’and ‘Yougun Lee’s Fashion! Note’.

Simultaneously, he writes for ‘Men’s Uno’, ‘Men’s JOKER’, ‘iGirl’, ‘Yahoo!Fashion’websites special columns, ‘Marie Claire’, ‘La Vie’ magazines and steadily making fashion critics on mass media.



★   國際時尚大師! 身兼整體造型師、時尚總監、《女人我最大》等時尚美妝節目御用老師、時尚評論家、總編輯、時尚顧問視覺統籌!

★   橫跨中港台星馬日本、華人圈"最多"時尚雜誌創刊總編輯紀錄保持人!

★    台灣"第一位"引進日系時尚雜誌總編輯&暢銷"美妝保養"雜誌創刊總編輯!

★   中港台星馬《mina》、《with》、《M'S》等時尚雜誌創刊總編輯,協助引進《ViVi》、《VOCE》、曾任《Yahoo!》時尚美妝總編輯顧問、《Men's Joker》大陸版創意總監、現任《Style Wall》榮譽總編輯! 華人時尚圈流行普及、開啟新風潮巨大影響力的幕後推手!

★   台灣唯一受佐佐木希、藤井LENA、中田英壽、松田龍平、渡邊知夏子、莉亞等國際藝人,陳柏霖、賀軍翔、安心亞、羅志祥等天王天后、國際品牌指定合作之時尚總監。連續多年《Tokyo Girls Collection》、《Super Girl Festa》受邀登台之唯一台灣造型師代表。

★   真正專業出生、具備國際感與品味的時尚工作者!


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    《ROOM207》李佑群老師官方部落格 Yougun Lee's official blog

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